Cora’s Closet & Home (1)

Visit Fergus Falls: Welcome, Nancy! We're thrilled to discuss Cora's Closet and your Summer VIP Pass program involvement.

Nancy Porzio: Thank you for having me! I'm excited to share Cora's Closet with everyone.

VFF: Let's start with your background. What led you from the world of finance to owning a fashion boutique?

NP: It's a bit of a switch, isn't it? (laughs) For many years, I worked in commercial banking and then with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Seeing small businesses succeed was incredibly rewarding. It always sparked a desire to own one, but I was a little risk-averse. After retirement, the entrepreneurial itch returned, and the timing felt perfect.

VFF: And how did Cora's Closet enter the picture?

NP: Interestingly, I wasn't a vast thrift shopper before moving to Fergus Falls. But here, shopping options felt a bit limited. One day, browsing in Cora's Closet, I was struck by the quality and variety of the clothing. While chatting with the owner, Dawn Saxton, I overheard her mentioning plans to sell. Now, I wouldn't call myself impulsive, but... (smiles) Let's just say I expressed my interest, and the rest is history!

VFF: What makes Cora's Closet stand out from other stores in Fergus Falls?

NP: We offer a unique combination. First, affordability is a core aspect of being a consignment shop. You'll find high-quality pieces, often designer brands, at significantly reduced prices compared to retail stores. Second, variety – we curate the selection carefully. I work with a network of consignors who understand our focus on seasonal trends. So, right now, you'll find a fantastic selection of late spring and summer wear.

VFF: Speaking of selection, how do you decide what makes the cut for Cora's Closet?

NP: We have a system! Consignors schedule appointments to bring in their items. I've built strong relationships with many of them, and around 200 of them are very active. They know my taste and the types of pieces that fit our store's aesthetic. We review each item together, ensuring everything is in good condition and aligns with the current season. It's a collaborative process, and it's actually quite fun!

VFF: Let's dive into the Summer VIP Pass program. Why did you decide to become a sponsor?

NP: Exposure! As a relatively new business owner, getting my name out there is crucial. The VIP Pass program attracts visitors to Fergus Falls, and I love how it promotes our town. So, it's a win-win – I connect with new customers, and visitors can experience Cora's Closet.

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VFF: Beyond the shopping what makes Fergus Falls a unique visitor destination?

NP: (chuckles) I might be biased since I wasn't born and raised here. However, when working with the small business administration, I was posted in Minneapolis for about five or six years, and my family is in Valley City, eastern North Dakota. They Farm there, and I frequently traveled from the cities to my home to visit my family. Fergus Falls was halfway, and there was a draw to it. I always managed to pull into Fergus, whether to get gas or a cup of coffee. And I would take a little time to explore the town. And I loved it, and other people will see that too. They're friendly here, welcoming, and it's a beautiful town. Still, coming from a small business background, I appreciate the friendly, welcoming vibe of Fergus Falls. It's a beautiful town with a surprising amount to offer. We have the world's most giant otter statue – that's a conversation starter! – and the Center for the Arts has fantastic shows, including the outdoor Summer Concerts at the Kirkbride. These concerts are great for spending a summer evening under the stars. Plus, there are great places to eat and enjoy local brews. It's a town that's really come alive.

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VFF: Are there any exciting upcoming events or promotions for Cora's Closet?

NP: We like to keep things fresh! Recently, I offered 20% off storewide to introduce myself to new customers. For prom season, I gave a discount to young women on their formal dresses. The idea is to encourage shopping and then consigning the dresses afterward. It's a sustainable cycle! Throughout the year, we'll have various promotions depending on what's happening in the fashion world. And, of course, VIP Pass holders can always expect at least a 20% discount, and I'm known to be flexible!

VFF: Before we wrap up, is there anything else you'd like to share?

NP: There is one other thing I want to add, though, and I don't know where you'd fit this in, but... (pauses) One promise I made when I started this business is that all of my profits, after I've paid the consignors and covered my expenses, are going into educational scholarships. I'm not keeping any of it for myself. I come from a long line of school teachers, and many of my consignors are also teachers. I want to make available funds for kids who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend college or trade school. I'll be working with a foundation here in town. Although my accountant will likely advise me to wait until next year, I'm aiming to start making these scholarships available soon.

VFF: That's truly remarkable, Nancy. Giving back in such a meaningful way is inspiring. We'll definitely keep an eye out for those scholarships. Thank you for sharing that with us.

One last message for our visitors?

NP: Come explore! Fergus Falls offers a variety of attractions, from unique shops like Cora's Closet and Home and cultural experiences at the Center for the Arts. There's something for everyone. Plus, the people here are excellent – friendly, welcoming, and always happy to chat. It's genuinely welcoming!